This week in ISM I worked on my original work project. A challenge I faced this week was making time for my original work project as it was Thanksgiving break, so school was not a top priority of mine. However in between my fun, I allowed some time to work on my project and made some great strides in my work. In terms of accomplishments, I set up my pamphlet and website, designing it to be professional as well as a creative concept. I also started synthesizing my research to incorporate into my pamphlet, and branding my concept “Mind Over Matter '' onto my website for my hopes of raising athlete neurological awareness. I feel like by working on my project during Thanksgiving break it really emphasized to me that I extremely enjoy my topic of study, because I had fun working on the project, even during a time that was supposed to be a break away from school. This coming week, I need to make my final touches on my project, and make sure it's something I am extremely proud of. I also need to finalize who I want to be my mentor and reach out to them to see if they are willing to be a person that can further guide me in my ISM journey.