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Primary Sources

Dr. Kayla Covert- Baylor Scott & White

Dr. Dwain Robertson- Baylor Scott & White

Dr. Krishna Satyan- Dallas Neurosurgical & Spine

Mentor Visit #1

Mentor Visit #2

Mentor Visit #3

Mentor Visit #4

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Secondary Sources

 Role of lifestyle in Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis in an Aging Brain

Autoimmune Neurology: The Need for Comprehensive Care


Tackling challenges in care of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias amid the COVID-19 pandemic, now and in the future


A review of seizures and epilepsy following traumatic brain injury


Beneficial Effects of Exercise on Depression and Anxiety During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Biomarkers of Sports-Related Concussions

Exercise for Sport-Related Concussion and Persistent Postconcussive Symptoms

The Relationship between Sport-Related Concussion and Sensation-Seeking

Social decision making in autism: On the impact of mirror neurons, motor control, and imitative behaviors

Cognitive Control in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive and Anxiety Disorders: Brain-Behavioral Targets for Early Intervention

Perceived Social Support and Quality of Life of Parents of Children with Autism

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Writer's pictureLeela Oommen

Social Support


This week in ISM I researched perceived social support and quality of life of parents with children with autism. I found this to be a very important thing for me to understand, as the premise of my project is to foster a united and cohesive relationship between parents and children. Also as families of children with autism often have high levels of depression and anxiety, obtaining adequate social support is a key factor in improving their mental health status. In terms of this week I am going to continue to gather data for my final product. I am planning on focusing on the functional capabilities of autistic children, for the sake of predicting their future status and ability to possibly live independently. Moreover, this week is the research showcase so I am so excited. I can’t wait to express all the knowledge I have accumulated over the school year during the showcase. Also as my mentor will be there, and we have currently been doing virtual visits because of Covid, I am so ecstatic to get to see her in person. I am beyond happy to finally articulate my passion and interest for neuroscience to all that are in attendance!

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