This week in ISM I researched the impact exercise has on one’s mental health. I learned that exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi have been proven to have beneficial impacts on patients with severe anxiety. Many people complain that as a result of this pandemic exercise opportunities have been limited, yet it is crucial to exercise even indoors as physical activity has proven to alleviate anxiety and depression. This is something that I think is important to spread awareness on in my original work project as many do not know that exercise can improve their mental state apart from just your typical therapy and medication. I also learned the exact areas of the brain that are affected by physical activity. For instance, exercise has an anti-anxiety effect by improving hippocampal neurogenesis and normalizing the neural transmission of neuropeptide Y. This knowledge is helpful for my original work project as I can use it to display the positive effects of exercise in correlation with neurological disorders. I was successful this week in that I made strides in my original work research project. I also gathered information I can incorporate in relation to the pandemic and its effect on people’s neurological well-being.