This past week in ISM I completed my first ever research assessment. At first I was a little confused as to why everything was to be written from first person point view as opposed to your typical research essay, but over the course of my writing I truly felt the impact of how writing firsthand makes all the difference in you're learning experience. In some aspects this week I truly realized my passion for neuroscience, as writing my research paper came so naturally. I came to understand how ethnic spices can be developed into therapeutic drugs to combat age-related brain issues, which I found so fascinating! Coming into ISM I told myself I want to be as innovative as possible, and now I have a new realm to dive into about how everyday spices can play a part in neuroscience. I also developed some interview questions for the future. At first, I couldn’t decide what were the right questions to ask, but with time I realized there are no right questions, it’s a matter of how you absorb the information people give you and how you utilize it to your advantage. I decided I wanted to ask professionals I interview about how they deal with the emotional environment of being a physician, and focus more on the patient-doctor relationship because I believe building a positive environment for patients is key in the success of their treatment plan. I am so excited to continue on researching more atypical brain treatments, and can’t wait to start interviewing neuroscience professionals!
